Goa in the Rains

 The Magic of The Monsoons

Millions of tourists visit Goa every year, a majority of them making the trip during the peak season in winter from October to January. Quite a few visit Goa during the summer around the month of May. But they seldom make the trip when Goa is at its most beautiful — during the monsoons. The rainy season (monsoons) in Goa is simply a magical experience.
The real beauty and grandeur of Goa is at its height during the rainy season when it offers you a plethora of unique experiences. The rivers joyfully overflow with their rushing streams, the trees dance to the tune of the winds, the mountains and the fields cover themselves with a verdant green carpet ready to welcome you to a land of eternal beauty.

In early June, after the sweltering summer heat of the summer months, the monsoon gives Goa the first signal of its imminent arrival. Ominous grey clouds gather over the horizon, the blue skies disappear and the thunder rumbles in the distance sounding like a typical Goan drum beat. Frogs croak their welcome urging Lord Varun (the God of Rain) to hurry.

And when the monsoon finally arrives, quite dramatically, it is accompanied by claps of thunder and streaks of lightning. The smell of wet earth is everywhere and the croaking of the frogs reaches a crescendo. Monsoon in Goa means sudden bursts of torrential downpours which usually last for a short time, although occasionally, there are periods when it rains for hours on end. These sudden bursts are always succeeded by bright sunshine which lights up the countryside in brilliant colours.

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Soon the Goan landscape undergoes a complete transformation as if being painted in various shades of green. Hills turn coy and shroud themselves with misty veils, while their luxuriant green covering of trees greets the stormclouds and the undergrowth grows rapidly. The rice fields are emerald green with a deep green fringe of palm trees and an even deeper green of other smaller trees. This colorful canvas of a rhapsody in green is in sharp contrast to the dark cloudy grey of the skies.
The rivers and estuaries which criss-cross Goa, are swollen with rainwater, flowing with renewed gusto giving up their usual shades of blue-green to turn a deep orange-yellow. The Arabian Sea all along the Goan coastline, is not to be outdone. Angry and active, it puts on a grand show for the occasion, roaring and creating huge waves which pound the sandy beaches.

Swimming in the sea at this time of the year is out of the question as the sea is very turbulent and the waves treacherous. But try walking barefoot along the beach and listen to the roar of the ocean and feel the rain and the salt spray splash on your face. It is a great feeling.

Goa in the rains is a serene and peaceful refuge for those seeking respite from the concrete jungles of the urban world. The best thing you can do is sit out on a verandah and watch the world pass by while the hours waft into wonderful, lazy, rain-soaked days.

If relaxing in the cozy ambience of your room is not your idea of fun, then there are a plethora of outdoor activities for the adventurous at heart. Fish along the riverside, go crab hunting or if you hanker for some real excitement, then trekking is the ultimate experience.

Go for quiet walks in the hinterlands and enjoy mind-riveting sights of white-washed churches and ancient temples resting against lush green paddy fields. The breath-taking natural wonders of Goa have to be seen, to be truly enjoyed.

And as they do all around the year, Goans celebrate. The unique feasts of São João and Bonderam are celebrated at the height of the monsoon in August. The magnificent colour and pageantry is accompanied by the usual singing, dancing and vibrant music.

Yes, Goa in the monsoons has all the ingredients of a dreamy, misty, green vacation with peace and solitude in just the right measure. So come enjoy this beautiful mosoon season with us at Zense Resort and have a memorable experience.